Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"We don't do that"

Thinking up new ways of doing business is the key to success! Thinking outside of the business box is going to get you a lot further in any industry.

For example, I called a company in another state asking for recycling of computers and they said “we don’t do that” and it got me thinking… Why not? I got onto Google (my best friend) and found a place in their area that recycles computers and told them to take them there. It was simple and I saved our company money because they didn’t hire the company themselves and add a bit of commission on top. If only they had said “Hey we can do that for you!” they could have boosted up the job a little more and made a little profit.

A key element to making money is saying “”Yes we can help you!” despite if it is something that is outside of the box of moving.

I will be glad to help you! I can take care of anything you need! Make it happen because if you don’t know how to do something, Google will tell you.

A little insight in the life of business.

Take care,
~ Joy

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Monday, September 28, 2009


It’s hard enough knowing that business is down in any industry. It’s a tough economy for all companies. People are already in fear of loosing their jobs all over the United States. Moral is extremely important in these times where not only are companies struggling, but the people who run them as well.

When someone steps up to the plate and works with all their might to bring in extra business or goes the extra mile even when times are down, remember that even though it won’t change the entire economy or situation of the company, it is still “good enough”.

Telling people that it is not good enough all the time makes them start to give up. Keep your moral high and people will keep trying to bring in all they can to help.

We are all good enough!

Keep up the good work. ~ Joy

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Get out of your box and step up to the plate!

Let’s talk about what makes you a good person to work with. It’s not that you come in everyday to do your job… anyone can do that. So what makes you so special? Do you go out of your way to help people? Or are you one of those people that have a tendency to say to people “It’s not my job” on a daily basis?

You may not think it matters, but it does. It actually makes a difference if you go out of your way to help someone. The most memorable and admirable people that I work with are not the people that say “This can’t be done” or “That’s not my job” but rather, it’s the people that say “I am not sure how to do that, but heck I will give it a shot and see what I find out!”

People who actually want to help and show it are respected above others and people who actually try to learn and try to figure things out are the best employees. It’s not about what we can’t do or don’t have time for. It’s about working to making things happen.

Here’s to making it happen!


This is Joy, have a kick butt weekend!

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rocking out the 09/09/09 !

So you think you have it rough? You come into work everyday and you bust your tail to get your job done with a smile on your face. Are you appreciated? I think that it is so important to show the people you work with that you truly appreciate them for what they do.

Everyone has a different function in most industries and all of those functions are pretty darn important. We all have a purpose. You may think that some people do less than you, but do you really know what they do? You probably don’t understand half of their job function so it is easy to assume that they only do the specific things that you know they do.

Whoa that was a tongue twister!

I guess what I am saying is that if you are judging someone else… take the time to learn about what they do and get to know them as a person. You may find that they actually do more than you think. I have found that once I have learned what others actually do around here, I admire and respect them more.

Thanks to everyone who kicks moving butt around here!

Rocking out the 09/09/09 ….. Peace!

~ Joy

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Whole Company is Customer Service.

If you are a billing clerk or you are a receptionist.... whatever it is that you do, if you have any contact with a customer then you are now customer service. Not only are you now customer service, but you are now sales. Why is it important to the company that you know this?

Well it may not be in your job description to actually do customer service, but it is an obligation to your job. If you do not provide key customer service even when someone accidentally transfers a customer to your phone, then you are simply not earning the money you are being paid.

Why this topic? Because it matters, that's why. If a customer is transferred 3 times before someone can help them, then it's not a small problem... it suddenly become a company wide problem. Customers are our industry and they come first and without our customers we are nothing.

We are all customer service.

If someone calls and they need help, get them to the right place even if you have to run around the office asking people questions in order to figure out what the right place is. We value our customers and when we show them that we value them, they feel as important as they are.

And that matters! Keep Keeping Em Happy!

~ Joy - Over & Out

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Does your attitude affect your job?

I come into work every day and I try to put on a smile and show that I am happy to be here. When I answer the phone I try to do it with a smile even if I am flustered, overwhelmed and the darn phone keeps interrupting me while I am trying to get my job done.

Some days are better than others, but do the bad days really affect your job? I think that the personality that you bring to the table at work highly affects not only the way your customers see you, but it also affects the way your fellow employees see you.

Attitude is a choice. You can come into work angry at everyone around you and full of a bad attitude, but in this economy I think that’s is the worst way to go if you want to secure your position at your job.

The reality is that you may not be happy in your job. You may not be making the amount that you want or perhaps you are just generally hacked off at the world around you. Your happiness or lack thereof is not going to change all by itself. It’s up to you to make the changes in your life to ensure your own happiness.

Don’t come storming into your place of work without remembering that others have to deal with your attitude. If you really love your job, remember your pleasantries and remember that your day could be worse… You could have gotten a flat tire this morning.

Attitude is key when it comes to a company that needs everyone within it providing the best customer service. Bring a good attitude to the plate and perhaps things will get better for you…. Otherwise a happier person may just take your job.

It’s an employer’s world now. Hang your problems outside the front door before you walk in… it’s not like they won’t be there when you leave again each day.

This is ~ Joy - Giving the smack down on your bad attitude!

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Cross Training, Does it really need to cost you more?

We all know that in any industry cross training is a key implement to establishing a safety net within your company, but does it really have to affect your pocketbook? I am not so sure that it does. Many employees would argue that they need additional time and energy for the training course(s) and this can be true in some cases, but how much is too much? Can cross training be done within business hours instead of racking up the overtime?

I think most corporations could argue that they have been left high and dry when it came to a lack of cross training. However... most would probably admit that they got through the crash course of training a lot quicker by having no choice but to "figure it out" themselves. Usually when this occurs, you or one of your employees are forced to learn and within a short amount of time that perhaps saved your company a day or two of overtime in training.

Is this really beneficial? Well I think it depends. If you jump into something and you do the best job that you possibly can and the company loses money due to a lack of understanding of how something is supposed to be done, well depending on the job... the mistake could be cheaper than an extra day of overtime. However this could also backfire and cost more than the overtime. Nevertheless, that employee would still be one step closer to doing that job in a time of need.

I think that beats everyone shrugging their shoulders and allowing things to sit on someones desk until they return. When you have employees that step up to the plate to get things done, it shows value and customer service. Paying a price to accomplish any task that must be done in the name of customer service is quite plainly the better way to go.

With that being said, do your best, try your best and hopefully in the end it will save your company a great deal and offer you more knowledge.

This is Joy - Pondering again

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Does how you dress determine how good you are at your job?

You know it's amazing to me how much the corporate world has changed in the recent years. There was a time that suits and ties were what made you "a professional" in recent times this has changed for a lot of companies. Do you think the world is opening up to a more relaxed society? I think it is becoming more relaxed because people are actually coming to a point where they realize that it's okay to be who we are.

Since when did wearing a tie actually mean that you could do a better job than that of someone who choose to wear a polo shirt? Does your dress actually shape who you are? Does it shape how well you do business? Does it actually make you the best choice for the customer? If you walk into a building in a suit and tie, will you be treated differently than you would in casual dress? Would people sell more either way? How does the way you dress affect your business?

I honestly feel that people who are in "professional gear" for lack of a better word, feel more intimidating and a little too stiff. If I am looking for someone to do business with, do I want the guy who walks into my office with a stern personality, a face like stone, in a suit and tie and goes straight to talking about becoming my customer? I am the client here... This is my money we are talking about. I am not going to spend money on a company who doesn't understand my needs as a human for one and secondly my needs as a customer.

Now I am not talking about someone who walks into my office and hugs me either... as if we are old chums or something, but is there a happy medium? And if so... what draws that fine line between client and business partner?

I can tell you that if a human person walks into my office and first approaches me and asks me what my needs are instead of trying to shove a contract down my throat, he is going to get a lot further. Why is this? I personally think that your approach and attire affect your business, but was the professional world that we lived in for the "suit and tie" all wrong? Intimidation could actually work if a client were under pressure, but in this economy the people are learning that these corporate stern "suit and tie" people are not the boss of us.

It's interesting that now that we have the business that people so desperately want, in a broken down world... we are actually controlling not only the bang we get for our buck, but also the people we do business with. The corporate world is changing and I think it's for the better. People are finally becoming people and accepting people for who they are as humans. We no longer have to wear a mask or a suit and tie to impress clients because quite frankly they are going to choose whoever gives them confidence that the job will be handled in the appropriate way and not only that, but the way we want it handled. You may be the "professional" buddy, but your going to do this my way because I am the customer and your suit and tie isn't going to ensure that you're going to get my business.

So I guess you can say that now we are in a world where showing ourselves for who we really are can actually amount to something. So does a suit and tie really matter? Or is it how well you actually connect with your customers? Do you want real people with real knowledge leading your industry in a world where budgets are tight and people are looking to improve economy by helping the little man? I know that as a business partner and a customer... I want that.

This is a new world where if you dress uncomfortable the way you do business may feel fake or perhaps you feel uncomfortable to your client? Maybe the old school generation will appreciate you efforts to maintain a fine crease in your slacks, but I will take a normal person with a tan and a polo shirt any day.

This is ~ Joy, Buehler Companies... let loose!

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Do you know how to blog?

We have been talking about blogging today and Scott and I have determined that there are probably a lot of people that don't know how to do it. It's interesting that this whole new world of technology has opened the worlds eyes to not only new connections within the corporate world, but also connections with long lost family and friends.

Some people are afraid to jump into this new technology world for a lack of understanding of how simple it really is. Do you have a personal blog? Does your company have a corporate blog? If so, do you really think that it will allow you to reach out to the world and actually make a new connection that you probably wouldn't have had otherwise? I personally think so.

After nine years a personal friend of mine actually found me on Facebook. I probably would have lost her forever without this new world that allows you to search for people. Some people that you don't necessarily want to find you may find you. How can you balance these things? It's an interesting topic of conversation and some of these past relationships weather personal or business related can truly open your eyes to how small the world actually is.

As I sit here and ponder these things I wonder if the whole world blogged, would we all find each other and get to know each other on a more personal level? Could this actually help to improve not only our personal lives, but our businesses as well? I think that if we could all work closer together then perhaps we can better learn how not to compete, but instead...share in opportunities. Would it allow the world to thrive if we all actually understood each other? It's a small world after all. There are likely some long lost friends out there for all of us.

This is Joy at Buehler Moving, Have a great weekend!

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

How do you difuse an angry client?

Here are 10 ways to difuse an angry client:

1. Quickly acknowledge the customers anger.

2. Make it clear to the customer that youa re sincerely concerned.

3. Don't hurry the customer. Let him/her vent.

4. Stay calm. Take good notes.

5. Ask questions.

6. Get the customer talking about solutions.

7. Agree on a solution.

8. Agree on a schedule.

9. Keep the customer informed.

10. Meet your schedule.

What are some of the ways that you difuse your angry clients?

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2009 Full-Service Satisfaction Study

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
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J.D. Power and Associates Reports:

2009 Full-Service Moving Company Customer Satisfaction Study

The 2009 Full-Service Moving Company Customer Satisfaction Study is based on evaluations from consumers in the United States who used a full-service moving company to move their household goods during the past 12 months. Customer satisfaction with full-service moving companies is measured across five factors: shipping estimate process; packing services; loading and unloading service; transportation of belongings; and insurance/valuation coverage.

Overall Satisfaction with Full-Service Moving Companies Improves As Rates of Loss and Damage Decrease Substantially

Mayflower Transit Ranks Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Full-Service Moving Companies
WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif.: 13 August 2009 - Overall customer satisfaction with full-service moving companies has improved in 2009 as customers report considerably fewer lost and damaged items, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2009 Full-Service Moving Company Customer Satisfaction StudySM released today.

The study, now in its third year, is based on evaluations from consumers in the United States who used a full-service moving company to move their household goods during the past 12 months. Customer satisfaction with full-service moving companies is measured across five factors: shipping estimate process; packing services; loading and unloading service; transportation of belongings; and insurance/valuation coverage.

Overall satisfaction with moving companies averages 804 on a 1,000-point scale in 2009-up 16 points from 2008. Satisfaction has increased from 2008 in all five factors measured in the study. In addition, the proportion of customers who report lost or damaged belongings has decreased to less than one-third in 2009, compared with nearly one-half in 2008.

"In the current economy, consumers may be tempted to pack and transport their belongings themselves; however using a full-service moving company to orchestrate and execute a move can be a smart economic decision and provide them with valuable peace of mind," said Michael Drago, director of the real estate and construction industries practice at J.D. Power and Associates. "Whether a move is completed independently or through a professional full-service moving company, there is a risk that items will be lost or damaged. Moving companies have reduced their lost and damaged items rates, but if any does occur, the customer is typically protected or insured to some extent through the moving company, which can help mitigate a problematic move."

Mayflower Transit improves substantially from 2008 to rank highest in 2009 with a score of 831. Mayflower Transit performs particularly well in all five factors. Allied Van Lines follows in the rankings with a score of 812.

Shipping estimates are a key consideration for customers selecting a moving company. The estimate process is typically completed in one of three ways-in-person by a representative of the moving company; over the phone; or online. The study finds that satisfaction with shipping estimates is nearly equal among customers whose estimates are completed in-person and online-averaging 807 and 805, respectively. However, shipping estimate satisfaction among customers who receive their initial quote over the phone averages 12 to 14 points lower than that of customers whose estimates were completed using either of the other two methods.

"Savvy customers recognize that the initial quote process provides more than just a price point to use in differentiating among the moving companies under consideration," said Drago. "The process offers insight into what it will be like to work with each company, as well as how accommodating, comprehensive and proactive they are. The price that is quoted is important, but the process is equally as revealing."

The study results also include the following key findings:
Among customers who experienced loss or damage to their belongings, only one-half filed a claim with their moving company. Among those customers who experienced loss or damage to their property and did not file claims, 60 percent reported that the items damaged or lost were not valuable enough to be worth filing a claim.

On average, there is a 59-day window between the day when a customer decides they are moving and the day their possessions are loaded onto a moving truck.
The percentage of customers who used a moving company to pack their belongings has decreased by 10 percentage points from 2008 to 44 percent in 2009.

The 2009 Full-Service Moving Company Customer Satisfaction Study is based on responses from nearly 1,500 customers who used a full-service moving company during the past 12 months. The study was fielded between April and June 2009.

For more information, read an article or view full service moving company ratings at JDPower.com

How Is The Economy Affecting Your Business?

Times are tough. Are you doing what it takes to save your company time and money? What is the economy doing to your business and how can you take the necessary measures to ensure that your company survives? It's a pretty good topic considering that it affects all businesses alike.

This is not just a new economy where the fit survive, it is also an economy where people are taking steps to becoming aware of the environment, watching their expenses and hiring new employees that bring more productivity to the table at a lower cost to the business.

One of the most important aspects to survival in the corporate world is minimum overhead with maximum production, customer satisfaction that offers high quality service at a low cost. Our customers are shopping the competition and what you offer them in service is not the only thing they are looking at anymore. It's more than the bottom line!

We are taking the measure to ensure maximum quality and bottom of the barrel pricing. Is your company taking measures? We open the discussion!

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Effective commercial moving has a direct impact on your bottom line!

Whether it is making sure employees experience the minimum amount of down-time during office relocation or making sure that your products are delivered to the right place at the right time at the right cost, every commercial move can favorably or unfavorably affect your profitability. We understand this about your business and work with you to design customized solutions to meet or exceed your business requirements. Buehler Companies provides a comprehensive range of services and helps you select the most effective combination to meet your business needs.

Buehler Companies cares about your move and make your commercial moves and logistics as smooth and hassle-free as possible. We develop a deep understanding of your business and build strong, effective working relationships. This enables us to provide a level of service that enables you to focus on your core business without worrying about whether or not your move is going to be completed properly.

Buehler Companies has the best commercial moving capabilities in the industry including experienced industry experts in each of the service offerings listed below, comprehensive management systems, a full fleet of commercial vehicles and extensive warehousing and distribution facilities. Many companies are also recognizing the environmental impacts of their business and adopting green policies. We are committed to supporting your company by providing moving services with reduced environmental impact.

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Answers to Questions About Moving

Pre-planning is the most important step in achieving our goal of performing and outstanding move for you.

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
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2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Have Questions About Packing?

We can answer all your questions instantly! Just give us a shout out and we can help by giving you professional advice on packing your fragile items. Comment our blog our call us today!

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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Check out our Blog!

Questions or concerns about your move? Need information or a quote? We are here to immediately respond to all your questions!

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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The Way The World Is Moving

Buehler Moving & Storage was established in 1912. Welcome to our Blogspot. We opened this blogspot to try to provide information about moving to the people who need it. We hope that customers will find it to be useful. View our commercial on youtube.

Buehler Companies (Denver Office)
(Google Plus Page)
3899 Jackson Street
Denver, CO 80205
Denver Office Moving Website

Buehler Transfer and Storage (Fort Worth Office)
(Google Plus Page)
633 Mony Street
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Fort Worth Texas Moving Office

Manitou Express – Mountain View Moving (Colorado Springs Office)
(Google Plus Page)
2545 Carmel Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Colorado Springs Moving Company

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